Month: February 2016

SEX BRIBES for permanent RAW jobs in the indian internet sector

Some powerful ntro, raw, cbi, security agency officials in India are taking SEX BRIBES from lazy greedy young inexperienced young women to falsely claim that these mediocre young women, half their age, were their btech 1993 ee classmate, own domain names, and the paypal account of their real btech 1993 EE classmate to get the sex bribe givers permanent RAW jobs with salary, pension, great powers. Goa’s notorious SEX BRIBE QUEENS RAW employees goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, goan obc bhandari sex bribe giver stalker slim bsc sunaina are REAL LIFE EXAMPLES of raw employee in 2016 who have given SEX BRIBES to fake their resume, investment for indian government records.
Shockingly the indian intelligence and security agencies consider these GOAN SEX BRIBE QUEENS RAW employees respectable,when they are no better than call girls and frauds in an indication of the rot in indian society . The news of the goan sex bribe queen RAW employees has been published online, so that internet users are aware of the raw, cbi, ntro online fraud, though the mainstream media refuses to publish the news of of the SEX SCANDAL FOR RAW JOBS.

If you know of any other women like GOAN sex bribe queens raw employees siddhi sunaina who have no self respect and have SEX BRIBED their way to top government and othe jobs please send your story

goan obc bhandari SEX BRIBE giving R&AW employee bsc sunaina’s MURDER attempt on obc single woman engineer

Knowing that google, tata are allegedly pampering, protecting and rewarding her, the lazy greedy criminal goan obc bhandari SEX BRIBE GIVING r&aw employee bsc sunaina and her criminal associates including lovers and relatives like pritesh working in intelligence and security agencies made a MURDER ATTEMPT on the harmless obc single woman engineer whose btech 1993 EE degree, resume, investment the criminal SEX BRIBE giving r&AW employee bsc sunaina falsely claims to have to get the R&AW job.
The latest MURDER ATTEMPT on the obc engineer by the criminal goan obc bhandari R&AW employee bsc sunaina and her criminal associates misusing directed energy weapons took place at around 7.20 pm on February 12, 2016, causing great pain, as the lazy greedy young goan sex bribe giving R&AW employee sunaina and her associates tried to MURDER the obc engineer in her attempt to become very rich overnight. The fraud ntro officials having SEX with the criminal goan R&AW employeee sunaina falsely claim that the mediocre goan obc bhandari slut sunaina they take sex bribes from owns domain names (including this one), associated paypal account to justify the wastage of indian tax payer money paying the criminal R&AW employee a salary, when the goan obc bhandari fraud sunaina does not own any domain name, gets a salary for offering SEX BRIBES to top officials

Looking for legal help to punish the criminal goan obc bhandari SEX BRIBE giving R&AW employee bsc sunaina and her associates

Non consensual human experimentation affecting eye sight

To allegedly help google destroy competition, ntro, security agency officials in india are testing various radiation weapons on a harmless single woman engineer, domain investor, Paypal account holder, link seller, trying to destroying her eye sight, causing great pain. These officials are falsely claiming national security, when in reality they want google to retain the 95% + monopoly on the indian market. Information on the names, designation of the officials involved in the torture will be appreciated

Keyword .com domain names available

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Some keyword .com domain names available are
Free Tech Advice
Rap Trivia
Sure Diets
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No stress sale
Etech deals
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Other domains
Paicd (For paid to click)
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Vegetables for home use
Immigration to new zealand
Acquire articles quickly

Domains available for sale or lease at reasonable price

Officials in India told to criminally torture harmless domain investors

n a reflection of poor governance in India, powerful cruel criminal security agency officials are told to specifically stalk and criminally torture harmless domain investors to cause great pain for the goals of corporates like google,tata, especially in panaji, goa. The criminal security and intelligence agency official can easily leave the harmless civilian at home alone, as she is not breaking any law or harming any person.
However in panaji, goa the officials controlling expensive directed energy weapons are cruel criminals, who have no work, other than monitor the laptop, internet connection of a harmless single woman obc engineer and torture her repeatedly in a day to cause great pain falsely claiming national security when they are blinded by the sex and other bribes of the shameless fraud R&AW/CBI employees, like goan gsb fraud extortionist housewife riddhi nayak who looks like kangana ranaut, obc bhandari slut bsc sunaina, brahmin fraud nayanshree hathwar, who falsely claim to own the domain names

These criminal officials in panaji, goa make it difficult for the obc engineer to work on the computer for 15 minutes during the day. The obc engineer being tortured will have to procure an expensive electrosmog meter TES-593 to document the daily human rights abuses of the criminal intelligence and security agency officials posted at Panaji, Goa. More details of the daily human rights abuses, torture are documented at Electronic torture methods.