Indore cheater housewife raw employee deepika does not falsely claim to own cousins medical equipment business with office on ancestral property

The domain investor has a cousin who has a fairly large medical equipment business with office on ancestral property. The domain investor and all her cousins have a right to the property,it is not divided , yet they do not falsely claim to own the medical equipment business and get government jobs.

In contrast, the domain investor , owns a very small online business, she alone is paying all the expenses, doing all the computer work. Yet showing how ruthless, tech, internet companies are in their FINANCIAL FRAUD, SLAVERY of online business owners,the cheater tech, internet sector is falsely claiming that their favorite fraud housewife indore cheater deepika, who is only cooking, cleaning for her crooked husband, does not pay expenses, does not do computer work, owns the online business,to get the indore cheater deepika a no work, no investment government job in the indian internet sector since 2010.

The domain investor is in mumbai for personal reasons and she spends some time doing computer work for her business, yet showing how ruthless the tech and internet sector, madhya pradesh government is in CHEATING, EXPLOITING, ROBBING small online business owners to get monthly government salaries for lazy greedy fraud indore housewives, the mumbai officials, the madhya pradesh government is falsely claiming that its favorite fraud housewife indore cheater deepika who does not pay expenses, does not do computer work, owns the online business to get the cheater housewife a monthly government salary.

The CHEATER LIAR tech and internet companies.allegedly led by google are fully aware that their favorite fraud housewife indore cheater deepika, who is only cooking, cleaning for her crooked husband, does not pay expenses, does not do computer work, yet showing their lack of honesty and humanity they have rewarded their favorite fraud indore housewife raw employee deepika for FAKING business ownership since 2010, while causing great financial losses, criminally defaming the real domain investor, online business owner.

The domain investor would like to ask raw/cbi, indian,madhya pradesh government, tech and internet companies, why their their favorite fraud housewife indore cheater deepika, who is only cooking, cleaning for her crooked husband, does not pay expenses, does not do computer work, does not falsely claim to own the medical equipment business of her cousin, with office on ancestral property, why indore cheater deepika is only falsely claiming to own the online business of the single woman engineer, domain investor and getting a monthly government salary, great powers for robbing data and making fake claims.
